- very good site for current usage; lots of
databases, phrase examples
English-to-Russian - the standard Eng-Ru, by Smirnitsky
Abbreviations - a constantly updated abbreviations database
Russian Wiktionary - Викисловарь
Russian Wikipedia - Википедия
Slovoborg - Словоборг – Russian ‘Urban dictionary’
Slovopedia - Slovopedia (combo encyclopedia/dictionary)
And a couple of sites which offer searches in any or all of a multitude of dictionaries
'Dictionary World' - including Архитектурный словарь architecture; Бизнес словарь
business; Биографический словарь biographical; Большой энциклопедический словарь encyclopedic dictionary;
Исторический словарь
history; Медицинский словарь medical terms; Морской словарь naval and seafaring terms; Политический словарь political; Религиозный словарь
religious; Социологический словарь sociology;
Строительный словарь construction; Финансовый словарь finance; Экономический словарь economics; Юридический словарь
legal; Словарь компьютерного жаргона
computer jargon; Словарь мер и весов weights and measures; and many others
Russian Academy- many dictionaries, searchable in
combinations or alone including various of the major defining dictionaries (think Merriam-Webster), English-Russian, and specialized dictionaries.
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Reviewing Cases
From Russian For Everyone , some Review Exercises for the various cases: Prepositional 1 Prepositional 2 Prepositional 3 Pre...
The Russian for animate noun is одушевлённое существительное. The word одушевлённое literally means ‘ensouled’, but it’s not that simple (...
Fill Vowels are also called Mobile Vowels and Fugitive Vowels. They come and go inside Russian words as they decline or conjugate, so that о...
In brief, in Russian, as with many other European languages, each noun is assigned a gender. Russian has three genders: masculine, feminine,...
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