But what about the other consonants?
Well, the velar consonants к, г, х also have hard and soft sounds: [к]-[к'], [г]-[г'], [х]-[х']. But for historical reasons, the soft sign is not used after these letters. Instead, a mix of vowels is written instead:
- к, г, х can never be followed by ы;
- к, г, х are not usually followed by vowels я, ё, ю, and э (note: э not е, which is used)
- such combinations can be seen in foreign words like Гётте, Хэллоуин, Гюнтер, Кэтлин.
1. After the consonants ж, ш, ч, щ the letter и is used (never ы). After the hard ones (ж ш), the sound is ы.
жить to live
машина car
чипсы chips
защита protection
2. After the unpaired soft consonants ч, щ the letters а, у are used (never я, ю in spite of the fact that the consonants are soft).
час an hour
чудо miracle
роща grove
ищу I'm looking for
3. After the unpaired hard consonant ц the letter ы is used in the ending of a word, the letter и is used in the root.
огурцы cucumbers
немцы Germans
цифра number
цирк circus
4. Й is a special case. Vowels are never written after it; instead it combines with the vowel to produce the "soft vowel": йа = я, йэ = е, йо = ë, йу = ю and йы = и
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