Thursday, April 5, 2018

Adjectives: Accusative Case

Adjectives must agree in case with the nouns the modify.

The accusative case endings are fairly simple.

For masculine and neuter inanimate nouns, the ending is the same as the nominative, while the animate ending is either ОГО for regular hard (ЫЙ) or those with stems ending in К (КИЙ) and for end-stressed (ОЙ), or ЕГО for everything else except the третий type which takes ЬЕГО.

For feminines, it's either УЮ for all hard endings  or ЮЮ for soft ones, with ЬЮ for the третий type.

Using the nouns from the post on accusative in nouns, here are adjectives:

 1. The “accusative of time”
  • Я здесь уже целую неделю = I've been here (for) a whole week.
  • Раз в каждый год = Once every year
2. The “accusative of motion”
  • Мы едем в красивую Москву. = We're going to beautiful Moscow.
  • Мы идëм в большой музей. = We're going to a big museum.
 3. Other accusatives
  • Мы идëм через тëмный лес. = We're walking through the dark woods.
  • Мы идëм через широкую улыцу. = We're going across the wide street.
  • Спасибо за любезное письмо. = Thanks for the kind letter.
  • Cколько получает писатель за новую книгу? = How much does an author get for a new book?
  • Я – за нашего Путина! = I'm for our Putin!
For adjectives modifying neuter nouns and inanimate masculine nouns, the accusative is the same as the nominative.

Я вижу красивый сад. = I see a beautiful garden.
Я вижу маленкий лес. = I see the small woods.
Я вижу Британский музей. = I see the British Museum.
Я вижу золотой рубль. = I see a golden ruble.
Я вижу открытое окно. = I see the open window.
Я вижу синее море. = I see the blue sea.
Я вижу собачий дом. = I see the dog house.

For adjectives modifying feminine and masculine nouns ending in A, Я, or Ь, the ending changes to УЮ or ЮЮ. Note: this is one way to mark nouns in Ь as accusative.

Я вижу длинную улыцу. = I see a long street.
Я вижу Красную армию. = I see the Red army.
Я вижу мою мать. = I see my mother.
Я вижу синюю книгу. = I see the blue book.
Я вижу лисью морду. = I see the fox's face.

For adjectives modifying animate masculine nouns, the ending changes to ОГО or ЕГO. 

Я вижу храброго героя. = I see a brave hero.
Я вижу твоего папу. = I see your dad.
Я вижу нашего Андрея. = I see our Andrey.
Я вижу белого коня. = I see a white horse.
Я вижу високого человека. = I see a tall person.
Я вижу побеждающего Путина. = I see the conquering Putin.
Я вижу третьего мальчика. = I see the third boy.
Я вижу маленького сироту. = I see the little orphan boy.

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