Sunday, April 8, 2018

Pronouns: Possessives

 Possessive pronouns are also called possessive adjectives. First and second person (my, our, your) will agree in number and gender with the noun possessed; so too will the special "one's own" possessive that eliminates the "John handed Jim his book" ambiguity existing in English. The singular possessives мой твой свой (my, singular your, one's own) decline alike; the plurals наш ваш (our, plural your) decline alike.

The third person do not change their forms at all, not for number, case, nor gender. They are его (his, its) еë (her) их (their) - remember that with genitives (which possessives are) the Г in masculine/neuter endings is pronounced like В (yevo).

Note that Russian has no special predicative form (my book v the book is mine); the same form is used for both.

Also note that they look somewhat like the so-called "mixed declension" adjectives; this is because of the spelling rules for Ш and Й.

So here is the chart for possessive declensions. Empty cells mark forms we haven't encountered yet and will be filled in as we go.

inanim. / anim.
моймой / моегомоëм
моëмоë / моегомоëм
моимои / моихмоих
нашнаш / нашегонашем
нашенаше / нашегонашем
нашинаши / нашихнаших

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