Note that some nouns have either no plural (like English "money, help, advice, heroism") or no singular (like English "glasses, trousers, thanks, shenanigans").
Examples include брюки очки железо молодëжь trousers, eyeglasses, iron, youth (young people)
Things to remember:
- those ending in ИЙ and adding Ы will spell it ИИ: герой - герои
- nouns ending in ИЯ really end in ИЙА, and thus take ИИ: армия - армии
- after the velars and most hushers (К Г Х Ж Ш Ч Щ, though not Ц) you can't write Ы, so nouns ending in those will have И
школа школы
ракета ракеты
трактор тракторы
стол столы
собака собаки
чай чаи
герой герои
врач врачи
1a. Some masculine nouns take А as their ending. These include the same ones with the special locative (У), but also others, including a small number of nouns denoting professions. In colloquial spoken Russian, other professions may also have the A ending.
лес лесa
край края
берег берегa
доктор докторa
учитель учителя
1b. Masculine and feminine nouns ending in Ь take И, replacing the soft sign (basically an application of regular spelling):
ночь ночи
дождь дожди
мышь мыши
3. Neuter nouns ending in O take A; those ending in E take Я.
письмо письма
лето лета
море моря
право права
поле поля
здание здания
окно окна
3. Fleeting (mobile or fugitive) vowels disappearing from masculine nouns:
отец отцы
день дни
4. A few nouns add an infix before the plural ending. In some nouns (like небо - небеса or сын - сыновья) this is only present in plural forms; in some (like мать - матери or имя - имени) it is in all but nominative singular.
4a. Regular patterns include all nouns ending in -анин (dweller in) or -ëнок (young/offspring):
англичанин англичане
гражданин граждане
ребëнок ребята
котëнок котята
5. Some few nouns have quite irregular plurals, like друг - друзья or лист - листья.
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